Global diversity and geography of soil fungi
R. Henrik NilssonLuis Villarreal RuizSandra E. AbellHelery HarendAndré Ledoux NjouonkouSergei PõlmeLuiza MajuakimJordan R. MayorKarin PritschKentaro HosakaGregory BonitoRein DrenkhanCherdchai PhosriJohn DearnaleyTan DangNourou S. YorouJózsef GemlSu S Ee LeeXin ChenD. Jean LodgeLeho TedersooKessy AbarenkovFrancis Q. BrearleyMiguel RosasMeike PiepenbringAlessandro SaittaMarko PetersonUrmas KõljalgEveli OtsingKadri PõldmaaSten AnslanTerry W. HenkelFranz BueggerGenevieve GatesKarl-henrik LarssonCathy SharpTaavi RiitAída M. Vasco-palaciosLuis N. MorgadoEduardo NouhraMatthew E. SmithRavi L. C. WijesunderaChris W. DunkAve SuijaAndré De KeselGwen GreletKaarin PartsLiang-dong GuoTom W. MayPham Q Uang ThuErki SaluveerPetr KohoutKadri PärtelW. DunstanAlina GreslebinIndrek HiiesaluMohammad BahramDavid A. Ratkowskysubject
media_common.quotation_subjectBiodiversityDIVERSITYfungi diversityBiologyPHYLOGEOGRAPHYCiencias BiológicasMETABARCODINGEcosystemMacroecologymedia_commonMultidisciplinaryEcologySettore BIO/02 - Botanica SistematicafungiFUNGIGlobal changeEdaphicEcologíaSpecies richnessMicologíaSoil microbiologyhuman activitiesCIENCIAS NATURALES Y EXACTASDiversity (politics)description
Fungi play integral roles in soil nutrient cycling, but the determinants of fungal diversity and biogeographic patterns of key functional groups remain poorly understood. By using pyrosequencing data from hundreds of globally distributed soil samples, we demonstrated fungal diversity that expands upon the taxonomic and molecular diversity recorded so far. Except for ectomycorrhizal symbionts, fungal functional group richness was unrelated to plant diversity and plant-to-fungus richness ratio declined exponentially towards the poles. Climatic factors, followed by edaphic and spatial variables, constituted the best predictors of fungal richness and community composition at the global scale. Fungi follow general biogeographic patterns and latitudinal diversity gradients with several exceptions. Fil: Tedersoo, Leho. University Of Tartu.; Estonia Fil: Bahram, Mohammad. University Of Tartu.; Estonia Fil: Põlme, Sergei. University Of Tartu.; Estonia Fil: Kõljalg, Urmas. University Of Tartu.; Estonia Fil: Yorou, Nourou. Université de Parakou. Faculté d′Agronomie; Benín Fil: Nouhra, Eduardo Ramon. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; Argentina Fil: Greslebin, Alina Gabriela. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia; Argentina Fil: Kohout, Petr. University Of Tartu.; Estonia Fil: Hosaka, Kentaro. National Museum of Nature and Science. Department of Botany; Japón Fil: Hiiesalu, Indrek. University Of Tartu.; Estonia Fil: Henkel, Terry W.. Humboldt State University. Department of Biological Sciences; Estados Unidos Fil: Harend, Helery. University Of Tartu.; Estonia Fil: Guo, Liang-dong. Chinese Academy of Sciences. Institute of Microbiology. State Key Laboratory of Mycology; China Fil: Geml, József. Fil: Grelet, Gwen. Landcare Research. Ecosystems and Global Change Team; Nueva Zelanda Fil: Gates, Genevieve. Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture; Australia Fil: Dunstan, William. Murdoch University. School of Veterinary and Life Sciences; Australia Fil: Dunk, Chris. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Department of Forest Ecology and Management; Suecia Fil: Drenkhan, Rein. Estonian University of Life Sciences. Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering; Estonia Fil: Dearnaley, John. University of Southern Queensland. Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences; Australia Fil: De Kesel, André. Botanic Garden Meise; Bélgica Fil: Dang,Tan. Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences; Vietnam Fil: Chen, Xin. Zhejiag University. College of Life Sciences; China Fil: Buegger, Franz. Helmholtz Zentrum München. Institute of Soil Ecology; Alemania Fil: Brearley, Francis Q.. Manchester Metropolitan University. School of Science and the Environment; Reino Unido Fil: Bonito, Gregory. Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne; Australia Fil: Anslan, Sten. University Of Tartu.; Estonia Fil: Abell, Sandra. James Cook University. School of Marine and Tropical Biology; Australia Fil: Abarenkov, Kessy. University Of Tartu.; Estonia
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2014-11-28 |