

Ensuring Sufficient Literacy Practice with Tablet Technology in Zambian Schools

Mwanza Nakawala-maumbiMaggie KatongoLea NieminenRobert SerpellMapenzi ChoopaHeikki LyytinenJacqueline Jere-folotiyaGabriel WalubitaEmma OjanenChristopher Yalukanda


Literacy skillEarly literacybusiness.industrymedia_common.quotation_subjecttabletsGraphoGameliteracyLiteracyLow literacyIntervention (counseling)ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATIONMathematics educationMedicineeLearningSchool environmentta516Use of technologybusinessMobile deviceta515media_common


Tablets are a promising mobile device for disseminating e-Learning materials at schools in Africa. E-learning materials can be especially useful for the practice of early literacy skills. Introducing mobile devices to schools can be challenging as teachers are required to make changes to their daily routines and the use of technology can be problematic in overcrowded classrooms. This study aimed to find out the most optimal way of providing GraphoGame literacy intervention via tablets for grade one learners in an urban school environment. The study tested whether GraphoGame mounted on tablets increases initial literacy skills among grade one learners. Three different conditions for providing literacy intervention with tablets in the primary school environment were compared. The study found that sufficient practice with GraphoGame on installed tablets has the potential not only to increase initial literacy skills but could also be used as a remediating intervention for early grade learners for whom low literacy is a limiting factor for their academic performance.
