

A free plate model can predict guided modes propagating in tubular bone-mimicking phantoms

Petro MoilanenZuomin ZhaoJussi TimonenMaryline TalmantPascal LaugierJosquin FoiretJean-gabriel MinonzioJalmari Pirhonen


Tubular boneGlycerolguided modeswaveguide characteristicWork (thermodynamics)Materials scienceAcoustics and UltrasonicsBioacousticsAcousticsTransducersBone and Boneslaw.inventionOpticsArts and Humanities (miscellaneous)lawBone DensityAluminum OxideHumansfrequency rangesAluminum oxideAxial transmissionta217ta114circular cross-sectionsbusiness.industryEpoxy ResinsPhantoms Imagingreasonable accuracyEquipment DesignModels Theoreticalequipment and suppliesplate modelJasa Express LettersTransducerSoundaxial transmissionSilicone ElastomersElasticity Imaging TechniquesOsteoporosisUltrasonic propagationbusinesswave numbersWaveguide


The goal of this work was to show that a non-absorbing free plate model can predict with a reasonable accuracy guided modes measured in bone-mimicking phantoms that have circular cross-section. Experiments were carried out on uncoated and coated phantoms using a clinical axial transmission setup. Adjustment of the plate model to the experimental data yielded estimates for the waveguide characteristics (thickness, bulk wave velocities). Fair agreement was achieved over a frequency range of 0.4 to 1.6 MHz. A lower accuracy observed for the thinnest bone-mimicking phantoms was caused by limitations in the wave number measurements rather than by the model itself.
