

Characterization of Gibberella fujikuroi complex isolates by fumonisin B-1 and B-2 analysis and by RAPD and restriction analysis of PCR-amplified internal transcribed spacers of ribosomal DNA

R. MateoMisericordia JiménezJ.j. MateoSusana RodríguezJosé-vicente Gil


HpaIIGibberellaCarboxylic AcidsZingiberalesBiologyApplied Microbiology and BiotechnologyMicrobiologyDNA RibosomalFumonisinsPolymerase Chain ReactionZea maysHaeIIIFusariummedicineInternal transcribed spacerDNA FungalEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsChromatography High Pressure LiquidPhylogenyDNA PrimersGeneticsfood and beveragesGenetic VariationSpacer DNAbiology.organism_classificationGibberellinsRAPDRandom Amplified Polymorphic DNA TechniqueRestriction enzymeGibberella fujikuroiRestriction fragment length polymorphismPolymorphism Restriction Fragment Lengthmedicine.drug


Summary Twenty nine isolates of Fusarium spp. (twenty four of them belonging to the Gibberella fujikuroi complex) isolated from banana and corn from different geographical regions were analyzed for their ability to produce fumonisins B 1 and B 2 and for genetic relatedness using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and restriction analysis of PCR amplification products of the 5.8s ribosomal DNA-intervening internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS I-5.8S-ITS II). For RAPD analysis, six of twenty oligonucleotide primers were selected after testing with five Fusarium spp. isolates and used to characterize 24 additional isolates. DNA fragments from the 29 isolates of Fusarium spp., which were approximately 560 bp, were amplified with the universal primers ITS1 and ITS4. The restriction enzymes HaeIII, MboI, HpaII and MspI were useful for distinguishing the isolates. The RAPD analysis permitted to find interspecific differences among the isolates of Fusarium spp., between isolates with low and high capacity of fumonisin production and among isolates from different hosts. The restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP-PCR) analysis permitted to distinguish among different species of Fusarium . In combination with morphological analysis, the results of this research may find an application for the diagnosis of unknown Fusarium spp. and, particularly, for the characterization of fumonisin-producing isolates, which may be very useful in the food technology field.
