

Proton-proton correlations observed in two-proton decay of $^{19}$Mg and $^{16}$Ne

I. MukhaL. GrigorenkoK. SummererL. AcostaM. A. G. AlvarezE. CasarejosA. ChatillonD. Cortina-gilJ. EspinoA. FomichevJ. E. Garcia-ramosH. GeisselJ. Gomez-camachoJ. HofmannO. KiselevA. KorsheninnikovN. KurzYu. LitvinovI. MartelC. NociforoW. OttM. PfutznerC. Rodriguez-tajesE. RoecklM. StanoiuH. WeickP. J. Woods


Nuclear TheoryFOS: Physical sciencesNuclear Experiment (nucl-ex)Nuclear ExperimentNuclear Experiment


Proton-proton correlations were observed for the two-proton decays of the ground states of $^{19}$Mg and $^{16}$Ne. The trajectories of the respective decay products, $^{17}$Ne+p+p and $^{14}$O+p+p, were measured by using a tracking technique with microstrip detectors. These data were used to reconstruct the angular correlations of fragments projected on planes transverse to the precursor momenta. The measured three-particle correlations reflect a genuine three-body decay mechanism and allowed us to obtain spectroscopic information on the precursors with valence protons in the $sd$ shell.
