

Characteristics of coronary microcirculatory function in patients with Takotsubo syndrome.

Giuseppina NovoFrancesco GiambancoSalvatore NovoSalvatore GiambancoAngelo QuaglianaSalvatore EvolaDario BuccheriSalvatore RizzoGiovanna Geraci


Pulmonary and Respiratory MedicineTakotsubo syndromemedicine.medical_specialtybusiness.industryMicrovascular anginaMean age030204 cardiovascular system & hematologyAnterior Descending Coronary ArteryMicrocirculationPathogenesis03 medical and health sciences0302 clinical medicinemicrovascular angina (MA)Internal medicinemicrovascular functionmedicineCardiologyIn patientOriginal Article030212 general & internal medicineTIMI frame count (TFC)businessTakotsuboTIMI


Background: Takotsubo syndrome (TS) is a recently described cardiac syndrome whose pathogenesis is still unclear. We investigated the characteristics of coronary microcirculatory function in patients with TS through the analysis of the TIMI frame count (TFC) compared to normal subjects and with to subjects with microvascular angina (MA). Methods: We enrolled 71 TS patients (F:M =69:2, mean age of 65.27±9.53 years), 70 controls (F:M =34:36, mean age of 56.63±13.5 years) and 71 patients with MA, (F:M =69:2, mean age of 65.9±9.2 years). The assessment of the microcirculation was carried out through the TFC. Results: microcirculation was significantly altered in patients with TS compared with healthy controls [left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) 25.16±6.91 vs. 17.30±3.76, P20 frames was able to discriminate TS patients from controls with a specificity of 88.57% and sensitivity of 85.92% (AUC 0.927, P20 frames discriminate between patients with normal microcirculation and patients with TS.
