Entanglement sudden death and sudden birth in two uncoupled spins
Antonino MessinaAnna NapoliM. GuccioneElena Ferrarosubject
PhysicsQuantum PhysicsSpinsFOS: Physical sciencesQuantum PhysicsQuantum entanglementCondensed Matter PhysicsSudden deathAtomic and Molecular Physics and OpticsQuantum mechanicsQubitLarge applicationsQuantum informationQuantum Physics (quant-ph)Mathematical PhysicsSpin-½entanglement spin systemsdescription
We investigate the entanglement evolution of two qubits interacting with a common environment trough an Heisenberg XX mechanism. We reveal the possibility of realizing the phenomenon of entanglement sudden death as well as the entanglement sudden birth acting on the environment. Such analysis is of maximal interest at the light of the large applications that spin systems have in quantum information theory.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2009-10-29 |