

Never say never again: A bone graft infection due to a hornet sting, thirty-nine years after cranioplasty

Carlo GulìRoberto Giuseppe GiammalvaFrancesca GrazianoRosario MaugeriLuigi BasileDomenico Gerardo IacopinoAntonella Giugno


medicine.medical_specialtyTraumatic brain injurymedicine.medical_treatmentCranioplastylate infection management03 medical and health sciences0302 clinical medicinemedicinerisk factorsMedical historyDebridementSettore MED/27 - Neurochirurgiabusiness.industryUnique Case Observations: Case Reportmedicine.diseasesurgical complicationsCranioplastySurgerySkullStingmedicine.anatomical_structure030220 oncology & carcinogenesisVancomycinSurgeryDecompressive craniectomyRisk factorNeurology (clinical)business030217 neurology & neurosurgerymedicine.drug


Background: Cranioplasty (CP) is a widespread surgical procedure aimed to restore skull integrity and physiological cerebral hemodynamics, to improve neurological functions and to protect the underlying brain after a life-saving decompressive craniectomy (DC). Nevertheless, CP is still burdened by surgical complications, among which early or late graft infections are the most common outcome-threatening ones. Case Description: We report the case of 48-year-old man admitted to our neurosurgical unit because of a painful right frontal swelling and 1-week purulent discharge from a cutaneous fistula. He had been undergone frontal CP because of severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) when he was 9-year-old. Since then, his medical history has been being unremarkable without any surgical or infective complication of the graft for 39 years, until he was accidentally stung by a hornet in the frontal region. After the CT scan and laboratory findings had evidenced a probable infection of the graft, the patient was treated by vancomycin and cefepime before he underwent surgical revision of its former CP, with the removal of the graft and the debridement of the surgical field. Subsequent bacteriological tests revealed Staphylococcus aureus as causal agent of that infection. Conclusion: This case illustrates an anecdotal example of very late CP infection, due to an unpredictable accident. Due to lack of consensus on risk factors and on conservative or surgical strategy in case of graft infection, we aimed to share our surgical experience.
