

Blood pressure control in treated hypertensive patients in daily practice of Latvian family physicians.

Guntis BahsVilnis DzerveDaiva Asta ApanavičienėAndrejs KalvelisAivars LejnieksBaiba AnsmiteInga StukenaOskars Kalejs


Blood pressure controlAdultMalemedicine.medical_specialtyAdolescentBlood Pressurearterial hypertension; blood pressure control; antihypertensive drugsSittingYoung AdultRisk groupsInternal medicineDaily practicemedicineAneroid sphygmomanometerHumansIn patientAntihypertensive AgentsAgedAged 80 and overControl levelbusiness.industryPhysicians FamilyBlood Pressure DeterminationGeneral MedicineMiddle AgedLatviaBlood pressureTreatment OutcomeHypertensionPhysical therapyFemalebusiness


Background and Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate blood pressure (BP) control level in treated hypertensive patients in Latvia and to compare their characteristics according to the adequacy of BP control. Materials and Methods. Family physicians collected information on demographic and clinical characteristics, and current antihypertensive treatment of 455 18–80-year-old patients with essential arterial hypertension treated for 1 or more years. Target BP was defined as values of <140/90 mm Hg for patients with low or moderate cardiovascular risk and <135/85–125/75 mm Hg for patients with high or very high risk. BP was measured in the office setting after a 5-minute rest in a sitting position using a calibrated aneroid sphygmomanometer. Results. Nearly half of patients (46.2%) attained their target BP. The proportion of patients with effective BP control was higher in the group of low and moderate added cardiovascular risk than in the high and very high added cardiovascular risk group (61.7% vs. 34.4%, P<0.0001). The majority of patients were given two-drug (26.2%) or three-drug (31.6%) combined antihypertensive therapy. Current pharmacological treatment was similar in the patients who attained target BP and in those who did not. Overall, physicians did not modify antihypertensive treatment in 37.9% of patients; such a recommendation was more common among patients with controlled BP. Very few patients (7.4%) who did not attain target BP did not receive recommendations to modify antihypertensive treatment. Conclusions. The rate of effective BP control was less than 50% and was even worse (34.4%) in patients with high or very high added cardiovascular risk in the present sample of treated hypertensive patients.
