

Adhesion and adaptive response of osteoblastlike cells (SAOS-2) grown on dfferent ti-6al-4v surfaces.

Borghetti PaoloDe Angelis ElenaCorradi AttilioCabassi EnricoCacchioli AntonioGabbi CarloGaetano Felice Caldara


TitaniumSAOS-2 morphology proliferation HSP70.


Osteoblastic-like cells (SAOS-2) were seeded on three differently treated surfaces of Ti- 6Al-4V (T1: not treated; T2: chemically treated; T3: electrochemically treated). After 6h, the cells grown on T1 and T2 surfaces showed a typical poligonal morphology, they were strongly adherent to the surface and after 24h-48h they spread and formed a confluent monolayer. On the contrary, cells seeded on T3 showed heterogeneous morphology, decreased adhesion, loss of thin cellular expansions, and showed cellular shrinkage and apoptotic blebbing; only after 48h they were able to attach and form a monolayer after 4 days of seeding. Cell proliferation was significantly lower on T3 than T1 and T2 surfaces. After 4 days of culture, the cells grown on T3 surface, recovered as adhesion efficiency and proliferation rate showing a better adaptation to the surface. Western Blotting analysis didn’t reveal any HSP70 protein induction in all three surfaces. Further investigations will better analyze if this reduced early adhesion could be related to the maintainance of a cell differentiation and/or to an altered production of adhesion molecules.
