

The Impact of Student Diversity in Secondary Schools : An Analysis of the International PISA Data and Implications for the German Education System

Jean BourdonKatharina Michaelowa


Secondary schoolsComparaison internationaleCross-country comparisons[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationPISAAllemagneSocio-economic diversityOrigine familialeOrigine socialeHétérogénéitéGermanyCultural diversityEnseignement secondairePISA 2001Milieu culturelStudent AchievementStudent-level AnalysisRéussite scolaire[SHS.ECO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and Finance


While increased heterogeneity in schools (diversity) leads to reduced segregation and greater equity for students from different family backgrounds, it is often expected to have a negative impact on overall performance, and on student well-being and motivation. In this study, neither cross-country comparisons nor student-level analysis confirm this hypothesis. In some countries, students' overall achievement as well as their interest and engagement even appear to be positively influenced by diversity, notably by socio-economic and cultural diversity. In Germany, socio-economic diversity has a positive impact on student achievement, and ability related and cultural diversity positively affect interest and engagement in mathematics.
