

Decidability of bisimulation equivalences for parallel timer processes

Karlis Cerans


Discrete mathematicsCounter machineBisimulationVertex (graph theory)ReachabilityComputer scienceTime domainTimerAlgorithmUndecidable problemDecidability


In this paper an abstract model of parallel timer processes (PTPs), allowing specification of temporal quantitative constraints on the behaviour of real time systems, is introduced. The parallel timer processes are defined in a dense time domain and are able to model both concurrent (with delay intervals overlapping on the time axis) and infinite behaviour. Both the strong and weak (abstracted from internal actions) bisimulation equivalence problems for PTPs are proved decidable. It is proved also that, if one provides the PTP model additionally with memory cells for moving timer value information along the time axis, the bisimulation equivalence (and even the vertex reachability) problems become undecidable.
