

Complete, exact, and efficient computations with cubic curves

Arno EigenwilligNicola WolpertLutz KettnerElmar Schömer


Discrete mathematicsModuli of algebraic curvesGeometric designConic sectionComputationFamily of curvesApplied mathematicsGravitational singularityAlgebraic curveSweep line algorithmMathematics


The Bentley-Ottmann sweep-line method can be used to compute thearrangement of planar curves provided a number of geometricprimitives operating on the curves are available. We discuss themathematics of the primitives for planar algebraic curves of degreethree or less and derive efficient realizations. As a result, weobtain a complete, exact, and efficient algorithm for computingarrangements of cubic curves. Conics and cubic splines are specialcases of cubic curves. The algorithm is complete in that it handles all possibledegeneracies including singularities. It is exact in that itprovides the mathematically correct result. It is efficient in thatit can handle hundreds of curves with a quarter million of segmentsin the final arrangement.
