

Photodetachment o F- by a few-cycle circularly polarized laser field

Saverio BivonaClaudio LeoneRiccardo Burlon


PhysicsIonizationField (physics)business.industrySemiclassical physicsElectronLaserAtomic and Molecular Physics and OpticsSettore FIS/03 - Fisica Della Materialaw.inventionPulse (physics)Opticslawnonsequential doubleElectric fieldPerpendicularAtomic physicsbusinessQuantum tunnellinglasers


We report on calculations of the above threshold detachment of F(-) by a few-cycle circularly polarized laser field, discussing the effects of both the carrier-envelope relative phase and the number of the cycle contained in a pulse on the angular distribution of ejected photoelectron. The results are analyzed in terms of a two-step semiclassical model: after the electrons are detached through tunnelling their motion is determined by the electric field pulse according to the classical dynamics laws. Anisotropies in the angular distributions of the electrons ejected on the plane perpendicular to the laser propagation direction are found that depend on the number of cycle of the laser pulse.
