

Activity Theory as a Lens to Identify Challenges in Surgical Skills Training at Hospital Work Environment

Maritta PirhonenSilvennoinen Minna


ta113Medical educationKnowledge managementbusiness.industryeducationsurgical skills trainingActivity theoryTraining (civil)humanitiesPatient careWork environmentsurgical simulatorWorkplace learningexpertise developmentPhenomenonSurgical skillsta516businessPsychologyactivity theoryCurriculumta217


In this paper the concepts from activity theory (AT) are applied for identifying the challenges and contradictions emerging in surgical resident’s curriculum based training at hospital. AT is utilised as a lens to identify contradictions that cause disturbances, problems, ruptures, breakdowns, and clashes which emerge while surgical skills training is implemented in a new way at hospital. We especially aim at finding solutions for contradictions which emerge while the new and old working culture are confronted and the workers are required to balance themselves between the patient care demands and workplace learning requirements. We are using the conceptual theoretical approach to describe the phenomenon of surgical working.
