Gendering multi-voiced histories of the North American space industry: the GMRD White women
Stefanie RuelJean Helms MillsAlbert J. Millssubject
HistoryWhite (horse)laminointi060106 history of social sciencesSocial reality05 social sciencesEthnic groupGender studiesAutoethnography06 humanities and the artscritical discourse analysisSpace (commercial competition)kylmä sotaGeneral Business Management and AccountingdiskurssianalyysiCritical discourse analysisHistory and Philosophy of Science0502 economics and businessSpace industry0601 history and archaeologyNarrativeavaruusteollisuus050203 business & managementNorth American space industryautoetnografiadescription
Purpose The authors focus on “writing women into ‘history’” in this study, embracing the notion of cisgender and ethnicity in relation to the “historic turn”. As such, the authors bring forward the stories of the US Pan American Airway’s Guided Missile Range Division (GMRD) and the White women who worked there. The authors ask what has a Cold War US missile division to tell us about present and future gendered relationships in the North American space industry. Design/methodology/approach The authors apply Foucault’s technology of lamination, a form of critical discourse analysis, to both narrative texts and photographic images in the GMRD’s in-house newsletter, the Clipper, dating from 1964 until the end of 1967. They meld an autoethnography to this technique, providing space for the first author to share her experiences within the contemporary space industry in relation to the GMRD White women experiences. Findings The authors surface, in applying this combined methodology, a story about a White women’s historical, present and future cisgender social reality in the North American space industry. They are contributing then to a multi-voiced, cisgender/ethnic “historic turn” that, to date, is focused on White men alone in the US race to the moon. Social implications The social implication of this study lies in challenging perceptions of the masculinist-gendering of the past by bringing forward tales of, and by, women. This study also brings a White woman’s voice forward, within a contemporary North American space industry organization. Originality/value The authors are making a three-fold contribution to this special issue, and to an understandings of gendered/ethnic multi-voiced histories. The authors untangle the mid-Cold War phase from the essentialized Cold War era. They recreate multi-voiced histories of White women within the North American space industry while adding an important contemporary voice. They also present a novel methodology that combines the technology of lamination with autoethnography, to provide a gateway to recognizing the impact of multi-voiced histories onto contemporary and future gendered/ethnic relationships.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2019-11-11 |