Plant growth improvement mediated by nitrate capture in co-composted biochar
Claudia KammannChristoph MüllerNicole MesserschmidtStephen JosephPellegrino ConteHans-werner KoyroDiedrich SteffensHans-peter SchmidtSebastian Linselsubject
MultidisciplinaryChemistryAmendmentcomplex mixturesArticlechemistry.chemical_compoundNutrientAgronomyNitratevisual_artSoil waterBiocharvisual_art.visual_art_mediumSoil fertilityLeaching (agriculture)Charcoaldescription
AbstractSoil amendment with pyrogenic carbon (biochar) is discussed as strategy to improve soil fertility to enable economic plus environmental benefits. In temperate soils, however, the use of pure biochar mostly has moderately-negative to -positive yield effects. Here we demonstrate that co-composting considerably promoted biochars’ positive effects, largely by nitrate (nutrient) capture and delivery. In a full-factorial growth study with Chenopodium quinoa, biomass yield increased up to 305% in a sandy-poor soil amended with 2% (w/w) co-composted biochar (BCcomp). Conversely, addition of 2% (w/w) untreated biochar (BCpure) decreased the biomass to 60% of the control. Growth-promoting (BCcomp) as well as growth-reducing (BCpure) effects were more pronounced at lower nutrient-supply levels. Electro-ultra filtration and sequential biochar-particle washing revealed that co-composted biochar was nutrient-enriched, particularly with the anions nitrate and phosphate. The captured nitrate in BCcomp was (1) only partly detectable with standard methods, (2) largely protected against leaching, (3) partly plant-available and (4) did not stimulate N2O emissions. We hypothesize that surface ageing plus non-conventional ion-water bonding in micro- and nano-pores promoted nitrate capture in biochar particles. Amending (N-rich) bio-waste with biochar may enhance its agronomic value and reduce nutrient losses from bio-wastes and agricultural soils.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2015-06-01 | Scientific Reports |