

Multilayers of CdSe/CdS/ZnCdS Core/Wings/Shell Nanoplatelets Integrated in a Polymer Waveguide

Vladimir S. ChirvonyMikhail ArtemyevIsaac SuárezAlexander MikhailovJuan P. Martínez-pastorArtsiom AntanovichAnatol PrudnikauRafael Munoz


chemistry.chemical_classificationFabricationMaterials sciencePhotoluminescencebusiness.industry02 engineering and technologyPolymerDichroism010402 general chemistry021001 nanoscience & nanotechnologyPolarization (waves)01 natural sciencesWaveguide (optics)Atomic and Molecular Physics and Optics0104 chemical sciencesOpticschemistryNanocrystalOptoelectronicsElectrical and Electronic Engineering0210 nano-technologybusinessExcitation


In this work, fabrication of multilayers of colloidal CdSe/CdS/ZnCdS core/wings/shell nanoplatelets (NPls) on solid substrates by layer-by-layer deposition technology is successfully demonstrated for the first time. Integration of multilayers of nanoplatelets into polymeric waveguide resulted in strong dichroism in absorption and polarization effects in photoluminescence with preferable absorption and emission of TE (horizontal) mode that evidences about in-plane orientation of NPls relative to the planar waveguide. The propagation of the excitation and emission light along the waveguide was thoroughly investigated both theoretically and experimentally for different number of NPl layers.
