Historic constructions of the early multinational: on power, politics and culture in Pan Am narratives
Jean Helms MillsAlbert J. MillsMarke Kivijärvisubject
Postcolonialismnarrativekansainväliset yrityksetmultinational companiespostkolonialismiInternational businessNarrative inquiryPolitical scienceinternational businessarkistonhoitoNarrativeliikearkistotta512Business historyeconomic historyPower politicsSerendipityMedia studiestaloushistoriaGeneral Business Management and Accountingyrityksetlentoyhtiötkansainväliset järjestötarchives managementMultinational corporationliiketoimintabusiness historycorporate archivesenterprisesrelationalismdescription
This paper examines how Pan American World Airways (Pan Am) - an early incarnation of a multinational enterprise (MNE) - developed its image as an international company. In particular, we examine how the company developed and managed potentially conflicting narratives, including the modernising US company and the airline of 'the Americas' (specifically South America); the carrier of US national interests and the politically neutral actor serving to unify cultures; the purveyor of exotic experiences and the pioneer of modernism. Through a focus on organisational narratives, we reveal the powerful influence of such story telling (through design and serendipity) on images of the peoples and countries where the MNE operates. In contributing to the narrative turn in business history we argue for a relational approach to narrative analysis. peerReviewed
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2018-01-01 | International Journal of Business and Globalisation |