Measuring Excellence and Equity in Education : Conceptual and Methodological Issues
Alain Mingat Marie Duru-bellatsubject
MeasurementFairnessMéthodologie[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationInequality schoolProduction d'inégalités[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationMethodologyInégalité scolaire[ SHS.EDU ] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationEducationIndicateur d'équitéindicator of equityMesureExcellenceProduction of inequalitiesÉquitédescription
The text focuses on the measurement problems both equity and excellence does imply, and on the "technical" choices that are to be made. It aims at showing that those choices are not neutral and have plenty of political consequences. Starting with the problems of definition of both excellence and equity, which should be considered jointly, the paper examines i) how the indicators and methods implemented do have some impact on the amount of inequalities, and ii) on the necessity of a time dimension to figure out how inequalities are generated, along with a system-wide perspective.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2011-01-01 |