

French baroque lute music from 1650-1700

Robin Rolfhamre


MUK 500VDP::Humanities: 000::Musicology: 110::Music history: 111


Masteroppgave i utøvende musikk- Universitetet i Agder 2010 This master’s thesis aims to shed light on the performance of French baroque lute music from the period 1650 to 1700. Little research has been done in this area within the lute world. As an introduction I start with an overview of the music in general in France, and then I will discuss performance and performance praxis according to historical sources. Finally, a presentation of possible interpretation of selected pieces by the main lutenists and lute composers of the time: Charles Mouton, Jacques Gallot, Ennemond and Denis Gaultier and Phillip Franz LeSage de Richée. All are presented, both in the thesis and on the CD enclosed. France, Charles Mouton, Robert de Visée, Phillip Franz LeSage de Richée, Ennemond and Denis Gaultier, Jacques Gallot, King Louis XIV, Baroque Lute, Interpretation, 11 stringed guitar, The position of the lute in France, Characteristics of French Baroque Lute Music, Playing techniques, embellishments.
