

Random Variables Recorded Under Mutually Exclusive Conditions: Contextuality-by-Default

Janne V. KujalaEhtibar N. Dzhafarov


Constraint (information theory)SpinsJoint probability distributionControl theoryContext (language use)Statistical physicsMutually exclusive eventsRandom variableKochen–Specker theoremMathematicsSpin-½


We present general principles underlying analysis of the dependence of random variables (outputs) on deterministic conditions (inputs). Random outputs recorded under mutually exclusive input values are labeled by these values and considered stochastically unrelated, possessing no joint distribution. An input that does not directly influence an output creates a context for the latter. Any constraint imposed on the dependence of random outputs on inputs can be characterized by considering all possible couplings (joint distributions) imposed on stochastically unrelated outputs. The target application of these principles is a quantum mechanical system of entangled particles, with directions of spin measurements chosen for each particle being inputs and the spins recorded outputs. The sphere of applicability, however, spans systems across physical, biological, and behavioral sciences.
