

Defining sensory descriptors: towards writing rules based on terminology

S. GuerrandIsabel UrdapilletaCatherine DacremontDidier DuboisC. EgoroffD. CandelAgnès Giboreau


030309 nutrition & dieteticsMetaphorComputer sciencemedia_common.quotation_subjectrègles d'écritureAnalogycomputer.software_genreSemanticsPsycholinguisticsTerminology03 medical and health sciences0404 agricultural biotechnologyNounterminologyterminologie[SHS.LANGUE]Humanities and Social Sciences/LinguisticsSet (psychology)ComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUSmedia_commonStructure (mathematical logic)0303 health sciencesNutrition and Dieteticsbusiness.industry[SCCO.NEUR]Cognitive science/Neurosciencelinguisticswriting rules04 agricultural and veterinary sciences040401 food scienceLinguistics[ SCCO.NEUR ] Cognitive science/Neuroscience[SCCO.PSYC]Cognitive science/Psychology[SCCO.PSYC] Cognitive science/PsychologyArtificial intelligencebusinesscomputerNatural language processinglinguistiqueFood Science


International audience; Descriptive analysis relies upon the use of sensory descriptors. They are words generally associated to a definition aimed at helping their understanding. However, the writing rules for such definitions remain implicit. The present work is a collaborative attempt from sensory analysts and linguists to get further insight into how definitions are elaborated.Definition formulations were analyzed according to linguistic criteria, syntactic (type and number of nouns, verbs and adjectives) as well as semantic ones (relations of synonymy, metaphor or analogy between the descriptors and their definitions). Such a linguistic analysis was performed on one hundred descriptor definitions collected from various sources. The selected list of descriptors referred to both food and non-food products as well as visual, olfactory, gustative, tactile and acoustic properties. From these analyses and a terminology expertise developed in linguistics and psycholinguistics, we suggest a set of explicit guidelines to elaborate more accurate definitions of sensory descriptors. These guidelines concern the structure and content of definitions.
