

Instituciones y conflicto en el franquismo La reticencia de los regantes a la integración en los sindicatos (1944-1957)

Francesco D'amaro


SociedadPaisajePatrimonio hidráulicoRegadíoLandscapeWater heritageSocietyTerritorioIrrigation


[EN] Franco's policy of integrating all existing labour organisations in the Spanish Trade Union Organisation found many obstacles in its path. Some agricultural institutions such as irrigation ones, dangerously resisted to the incorporation into guilds of the field. Defending its own independence changed from isolated reaction to a common strategy that in the fifties led to the creation of a National Federation of Irrigators Communities. Playing with the ambiguity of the regime and loyalty to Franco, the attempt of incorporation faced political and economic national syndicalism’s interests with those from traditional irrigation institutions. The institutional struggle for control of territory and local interests was transferred to entities reaching a national extension, in search for possible alliances and the reach of common goals. In this paper, through the documentation in the Acequia Real Júcar, leader of this process, dynamics and institutions that encouraged the creation ex novo of a lobby to defend community management of water and collective action in a peculiar context as vertical unionism will be analysed.
