

Possibilità di adattamento dell’approccio della Flipped Classroom (FC) al Universal Design for Learning (UDL). La percezione dei docenti universitari

Carla Lojacono


InclusionUniversal Design for LearningUniversityTeacherFlipped ClassroomDidactics


This research is about Flipped Classroom (FC) implementation in university context and aims to understand how this approach can be used in a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) environment and thus can help in creating inclusive spaces of teaching and learning. This work is an exploratory sequential design and will compare Flipped Classroom’s characteristics at university and UDL ones, in order to try and integrate these two approaches in the instructional practice. During the first phase of the study, in-depth semi-structured interviews were undertaken with academics that actually use Flipped Classroom. Then, in the second phase, a structured questionnaire built on interviews’ retrieved data will be handed out. The main expected outcome of the research is to understand how Flipped Classroom can be implemented in order to promote inclusion.
