

Representation of thermal building simulation in virtual reality for sustainable building

Yudi Nugraha Bahar


Scientific visualizationThree-dimensional (3D)La visualisation scientifiqueLa réalité virtuelleThermal building simulationL'intégration des donnéesData integrationBIMSimulation thermique du bâtimentVirtual reality3D[SPI.SIGNAL] Engineering Sciences [physics]/Signal and Image processing


The importance of energy efficiency as well as integration of advances in sustainable buildingdesign and VR technology have lead this research to focus on thermal simulation results visualized in avirtual environment (VE). The emphasis is on the representation of thermal building simulation (TBS)results and on the perception of thermal data simulated in a VE. The current application of the designprocess through energy efficiency in VR systems is limited mostly to building performance predictionsand design review, as the issue of the data formats and the workflow used for 3D modeling, thermalcalculation and VR visualization.Different applications and tools involved to represent TBS in VE are become the challenge ofthis work. Many 3D modeller, thermal simulation tools and VR tools are available and they are differ intheir function and platform. Issues of data format exchange, appropriate tools and equipments from thissituation require an interoperability solution that needs to be structured in a workflow method.Significances and barriers to integration design with CAD and TBS tools are also outlined in order totransfer the model to VR system. Therefore, the idea then is to use Building Information Model (BIM)extensively used in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) community. It then continued toevaluate the current trends for TBS representation in VE, to create data transfer method, and tointegrate them in the workflow. After a review in thermal simulation and an evaluation of related works,we specify the application, method and tools for our objectives.An application of a method of data transfer and presentation of data in VE are formulated andtested. This effort conduct using a specific data workflow which performed the data transfer through 3phases. This relies on the smooth exchange of data workflow between CAD tools, thermal calculationtools and VR tools. Presentation of data in VE is conducted through immersive visualization andintuitive interaction. An experiment scenario of a thermal simulation in VR system was created tointeractively visualize the results in the immersion room and tested by some respondents. The systeminclude with friendly interface for interaction. It presents a realistic 3D model of the project (Gunzoroom) in existing condition and renovated version, and their TBS results visualized in somevisualization metaphor. In the experiment, the method which bundled in an application brings togetherwithin a couple of virtual scenario and a software/hardware solution. The obtained results concentrateon visualization, interaction and its feedback. Some visualization metaphor are tested and evaluated topresent more informative TBS results where the user can interact and perceive the impact of theiraction.Evaluation of the application prototype showed various levels of user satisfaction, andimprovements in the accuracy and efficiency of data interpretation. The research has demonstrated it ispossible to improve the representation and interpretation of building performance data, particularly TBSresults using visualization techniques. Using specific method, the data flow that starts from the designprocess is completely and accurately channelled to the VR system. The method can be used with anykind of construction project and, being a flexible application, accepts new data when necessary,allowing for a comparison between the planned and the constructed.
