

Influence of a sport-specific training background on vertical jumping and throwing performance in young female basketball and volleyball players

G. BattagliaAntonio PaoliM. BellafioreA. BiancoA. Palma


LegVolleyballPhysical Education and TrainingAdolescentvolleyballers basketballers exerciseArmHumansFemaleResistance TrainingBasketballMuscle StrengthPlyometric ExerciseAthletic Performance


Aim. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of 3 years of sport-specific training background (SSTB) on vertical jumping and throwing performance in young female basketball and volleyball players. Methods. Thirty-one healthy adolescent girls, of which 11 age-matched control subjects [C], 10 basketballers (BP) and 10 volleyballers (VP) participated to the study. The throwing performance was assessed by seated backward overhead ball throw (SBOMBT) and seated chest pass throw (SCPT) using a 3-kg rubber medicine ball. Instead, the vertical jumping performance was evaluated by squat jump (SJ) and countermovement jump with (CMJ-AS) and without arm swing (CMJ) using Optojump system (Microgate S.R.L., Italy). Results. During SJ and CMJ with and without arm swing VP group showed a higher vertical jump performance than BP and C ones. In particular we showed that VP exhibited a higher flight time and jump height than C (p<0.05) in SJ, CMJ and CMJ-AS tests. Players showed higher performances than C in SCPT and SBOMBT. However, we found only a significant difference (p<0.05) in the comparison between BP and C during SCPT. Moreover, we found significant correlations between SBOBMT performances and CMJ-AS jump heights in C (r= 0.60; p= 0.02) and VP (r= 0.81; p<0.01) groups compared to BP one (r= -0.47; p= 0.08). Conclusion. These data suggest that 3 years of SSTB might be able to promote significant neuromuscular adaptations in volleyball and basketball athletes’ maximal power compared to age-matched control subjects.
