

Risk-Managed 52-Week High Industry Momentum, Momentum Crashes, and Hedging Macroeconomic Risk

Klaus GrobysKlaus Grobys


Momentum (finance)Sharpe ratioValue (economics)EconomicsDownside riskPortfolioCapital asset pricing modelProfitability indexStatistical dispersionMonetary economics


This is the first study that investigates the profitability of Barroso and Santa-Clara’s (2015) risk managing approach for George and Hwang’s (2004) 52-week high momentum strategy in an industrial portfolio setting. The findings indicate that risk-managing adds value as the Sharpe ratio increases, and the downside risk remarkably decreases. Even after controlling for the spread of the traditional 52-week high industry momentum strategy in association with standard risk-factors, the risk-managed version generates economically and statistically significant payoffs. Notably, the risk-managed strategy is partially explained by changes in cross-sectional return dispersion, whereas the traditional strategy does not appear to be exposed to such economic risks.
