

Development Studies in Tanzania: Historical Trajectory and Future Visions

Colman MsokaTiina KontinenAdalgot Komba


Visionbiology050204 development studiesmedia_common.quotation_subject05 social sciencesTansaniaPublic administrationbiology.organism_classificationTanzaniadevelopment studies0506 political scienceConsolidation (business)TanzaniaDevelopment studiesDar es salaamMultidisciplinary approachPolitical science0502 economics and business050602 political science & public administrationAfrican socialismIdeologykehitystutkimusmedia_common


The chapter discusses the history, dilemmas and future visions of Development Studies in Tanzania, especially from the perspective of Institute of Development Studies in the University of Dar es Salaam. It shows how in the 1970s Development Studies played a significant role in the consolidation of state ideology of African socialism among university students, and since then, has gradually evolved into a recognized discipline with MA and PhD programmes. Over the years, the discipline has dealt with dilemmas related to its multidisciplinary nature, state ideologies, international donor agendas and the changing demands concerning academic publications. Recently, Development Studies in Tanzania has started to address these dilemmas and search for a new identity, for example, through establishing a Tanzanian Development Studies Association. peerReviewed
