

International BEAT-PCD Consensus Statement for Infection Prevention and Control for Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia in collaboration with ERN-LUNG PCD Core NETWORK and patient representatives

Mieke BoonAntonio Moreno GaldóAntonio Moreno-galdóJane S. LucasKim G. NielsenKim G. NielsenBernhard RindlisbacherWoolf T. WalkerJune K. MarthinBernard MaitrePhil RobinsonPhil RobinsonHuda MussaffiVendula MartinuPanayiotis K. YiallourosHeymut OmranAmparo EscribanoGemma MarshHelle Krogh JohansenErnst EberClaire HoggDamien M.s. DestouchesCarmen CasaultaPetr PohunekEric G. HaarmanDeborah SnijdersSuzanne Crowley


:Otros calificadores::Otros calificadores::/prevención & control [Otros calificadores]Infeccions respiratòries en els infantsPrimary Ciliary DyskinesiaStatement (logic)Respiratory SystemMULTICENTERRECOMMENDATIONS0302 clinical medicineOriginal Research ArticlesPandemicSTENOTROPHOMONAS-MALTOPHILIAInfection control:Pathological Conditions Signs and Symptoms::Pathologic Processes::Disease Attributes::Chronic Disease [DISEASES]030212 general & internal medicinePrimary ciliary dyskinesiaMalalties transmissibles - Transmissió:Environmental Health::Health::Environmental Illness::Communicable Diseases::Communicable Disease Control [PUBLIC HEALTH]FOUNDATIONbiologyTransmission (medicine)R:Congenital Hereditary and Neonatal Diseases and Abnormalities::Congenital Abnormalities::Abnormalities Multiple::Ciliopathies::Congenital Hereditary and Neonatal Diseases and Abnormalities::Ciliary Motility Disorders [DISEASES]:afecciones patológicas signos y síntomas::procesos patológicos::atributos de la enfermedad::enfermedad crónica [ENFERMEDADES]:salud ambiental::salud::enfermedad ambiental::enfermedades transmisibles::control de enfermedades transmisibles [SALUD PÚBLICA]medicine.anatomical_structureMedicinePatient representativesLife Sciences & BiomedicinePulmonary and Respiratory Medicinemedicine.medical_specialty3610 Medicine & health:enfermedades y anomalías neonatales congénitas y hereditarias::anomalías congénitas::anomalías múltiples::ciliopatías::enfermedades y anomalías neonatales congénitas y hereditarias::trastornos de la motilidad ciliar [ENFERMEDADES]:Other subheadings::Other subheadings::/prevention & control [Other subheadings]03 medical and health sciencesotorhinolaryngologic diseasesmedicineIntensive care medicineScience & TechnologyCYSTIC-FIBROSISLungbusiness.industryPSEUDOMONAS-AERUGINOSAMalalties cròniques - PrevencióCAREEFFICACYmedicine.diseasebiology.organism_classificationrespiratory tract diseases030228 respiratory systemNontuberculous mycobacteria610 Medizin und Gesundheitbusiness


Introduction In primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) impaired mucociliary clearance leads to recurrent airway infections and progressive lung destruction, and concern over chronic airway infection and patient-to-patient transmission is considerable. So far, there has been no defined consensus on how to control infection across centres caring for patients with PCD. Within the BEAT-PCD network, COST Action and ERS CRC together with the ERN-Lung PCD core a first initiative has now been taken towards creating such a consensus statement. Methods A multidisciplinary international PCD expert panel was set up to create a consensus statement for infection prevention and control (IP&C) for PCD, covering diagnostic microbiology, infection prevention for specific pathogens considered indicated for treatment and segregation aspects. Using a modified Delphi process, consensus to a statement demanded at least 80% agreement within the PCD expert panel group. Patient organisation representatives were involved throughout the process. Results We present a consensus statement on 20 IP&C statements for PCD including suggested actions for microbiological identification, indications for treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Burkholderia cepacia and nontuberculous mycobacteria and suggested segregation aspects aimed to minimise patient-to-patient transmission of infections whether in-hospital, in PCD clinics or wards, or out of hospital at meetings between people with PCD. The statement also includes segregation aspects adapted to the current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Conclusion The first ever international consensus statement on IP&C intended specifically for PCD is presented and is targeted at clinicians managing paediatric and adult patients with PCD, microbiologists, patient organisations and not least the patients and their families.
