

Cultural activism as a counter-discourse to the European Capital of Culture programme: The case of Turku 2011

Tuuli Lähdesmäki


Cultural StudiesGender studiesEducationSubcultureEuropean Capital of CultureArts and Humanities (miscellaneous)Power overCultural analysisCapital (economics)ta616media_common.cataloged_instanceSociologyEuropean unionUrban spaceCounter discoursemedia_common


Each year the European Union designates one or more cities with the competed-for city brand of European Capital of Culture (ECOC). In several recent ECOCs, such as in Turku, Finland, the management and organisation of the events have caused tension among the citizens regarding decision-making, financing and power over use of the urban space. The focus of the article is on analysis of the discursive dynamics of local activists and their project ‘Turku – European Capital of Subculture 2011’. By emphasising the cultural analysis of activism, the article indicates how the counter-discourse of the activists was produced through cultural production. The project produced a strong movement culture with common practices, anti-neoliberal values and world views. Through cultural production and movement culture, the project participated in the creation of subculture as a fluid and flexible cultural category expressed through stylistic and lifestyle choices.
