

Quantum effects in the capture of charged particles by dipolar polarizable symmetric top molecules. II. Interplay between electrostatic and gyroscopic interactions

E. I. DashevskayaJ. TroeE. E. NikitinMarcis AuzinshI. Litvin


CouplingSurface PropertiesChemistryStatic ElectricityIntermolecular forceGeneral Physics and AstronomyDeuteriumTritiumResonance (particle physics)Charged particleDipolePolarizabilityQuantum mechanicsQuantum TheoryParticle SizePhysics::Chemical PhysicsPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryAtomic physicsAdiabatic processMethaneQuantumHydrogen


ally nonadiabatic channel treatment of the capture of charged particles by dipolar polarizable symmetric top molecules with the aim to reveal quantum effects in the collision dynamics. In general, these effects are related to the discrete nature of the intrinsic, orbital, and total angular momenta, to the quantum character of passage of collision partners across effective potential barriers and drops, and to the interplay of two types of anisotropic interactions, the gyroscopic (Coriolis) and the electrostatic ones. The latter feature, in principle, leads to a coupling of capture channels. In the calculation of capture cross sections or rate coefficients, however, this coupling can be ignored provided that the reorientation of the intrinsic angular momenta from the spacefixed axis onto the body-fixed axis occurs at larger interfragment distances than those essential for capture. This is the case when the interaction with increasing intermolecular distance falls off faster than the centrifugal potential (and the Coriolis interaction), thus permitting the use of the standard adiabatic channel treatment of Refs. 2‐4. An extension of this treatment to very low collision energies, where a small number of partial waves contribute to the capture, was done for anisotropic charge-induced dipole interaction, 5 resonance dipole-dipole interaction, 6,7 and charge-quadrupole interaction. 8 In all these cases, the energy-dependent capture
