Cost of Type 2 Diabetes Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Based on Real-World Data: An Observational Population-Based Study in Spain
Silvia González-de-juliánRuth Usó-talamantesRuth Usó-talamantesJosé Luis Trillo-mataJorge Navarro-pérezDavid Vivas-consueloInmaculada Saurí-ferrerMarc Carrasco-pérezJosep RedonJavier Díaz-carniceroJosé Luis Górrizsubject
Malehealthcare resourcesmedicine.medical_specialtyECONOMIA APLICADAHealth Toxicology and MutagenesisPopulationRenal functioncostsType 2 diabetesDiseaseArticleIndirect costsChronic kidney diseaseInternal medicineHealth caremedicineHumansRenal Insufficiency ChronicHealthcare resourcesBurden of careeducationAgededucation.field_of_studyDiabetisbusiness.industryClinical Risk GroupsPublic Health Environmental and Occupational HealthRType 2 diabetesHealth Care Costsmedicine.diseaseCostsKDIGO classificationCross-Sectional StudiesDiabetes Mellitus Type 2Spainburden of careInsuficiència renal crònicaMedicineFemaleObservational studyECONOMIA FINANCIERA Y CONTABILIDADtype 2 diabetesbusinesschronic kidney diseaseKidney diseasedescription
[EN] This study analyzed the prevalence, costs and economic impact of chronic kidney disease CKD in patients with T2D in a Spanish Health District using real-world data. Observational cross-sectional study in adult patients with T2D was through data extracted from the information systems of the Valencia Clinico-La Malvarrosa Health District in the year 2015. Patients were stratified with the KDIGO classification for CKD. Additionally, patients were assigned to Clinical Risk Groups (CRGs) according to multimorbidity. Direct costs of primary and specialized care, and medication were estimated. The prevalence of T2D in the database population (n = 28,345) was 10.8% (mean age (SD) = 67.8 years (13.9); 51.5% male). Up to 14.935 patients (52.6%) had data on kidney function. According to the KDIGO classification, 66.2% of the patients were at low risk of CKD, 20.6% at moderately increased risk, 7.9% at high risk, and 5.2% at very high risk. The average healthcare costs associated with these four risk groups were EUR 3437, EUR 4936, EUR 5899 and EUR 7389, respectively. The large number of T2D patients with CKD in the early stages of the disease generated a significant increase in direct healthcare costs. The economic impact could be mitigated by early and comprehensive therapeutic approaches.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2021-09-01 | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health |