

Relational expertise among Finnish educators working in extended hours ECEC

Kaisu PeltoperäTuulikki Ukkonen-mikkola


vuorovaikutusvarhaiskasvatusextendedhours ECECrelationalexpertiseosaaminenteamwork in ECECcommon knowledgeryhmätyöammattitaitodiscourse analysisprofessionalexpertisediskurssianalyysi


This study examined discourses and positions produced by educators (n = 31) on the topics of teamwork and professional expertise in extended hours early childhood education and care (ECEC). Theoretically, we follow the ideas of relational expertise and common knowledge. Previous research provides that relational expertise and creating common knowledge are useful in ECEC contexts, especially in teamwork. The data were collected by interviewing educators, and discursive psychology was applied in the analysis of the data. As results, we found two discursive tensions. In relation to teamwork the tension was working alone versus working in a team. In the topic of professional expertise, the tension was independent work orientation versus following instructions. The special features of extended hours ECEC, in particular time, frame the possibilities of building expertise relationally. peerReviewed
