

Search for Heavy Particles Decaying into Electron-Positron Pairs inpp¯Collisions

D. BuchholzB. MayS. FuessA. V. KostritskiyK. GounderSissel HansenAnna GoussiouM. AbolinsL. ConeyN. SenGregory R SnowVladimir GavrilovGordon WattsV. SirotenkoA. LeflatAnurag GuptaO. V. EroshinPhillip GutierrezB. KnutesonR. Van KootenS. FeherA. BessonA. BadenM. I. MartinG. GrahamA. ZieminskiJasvinder A. SinghB. M. SabirovK. PapageorgiouN. K. MondalH. T. DiehlH. SinghN. SotnikovaR. J. GenikU. BasslerS. Tentindo-repondJ. McdonaldG. C. BlazeyR. YamadaA. BoehnleinPushpalatha C BhatL. S. VertogradovA. N. GalyaevD. K. ChoV. SimakElizabeth GallasT. McmahonD. MihalceaJ. EllisonA. K.a. MacielB. ConnollySa. JainRichard BreedonH. L. MelansonP. PadleyAlexey VolkovAlberto SantoroM. BhattacharjeeD. A. WijngaardenN. ParuaV.v. AbramovA. AbdesselamK. BosR. IllingworthW. E. CooperS. DuensingDaniel R ClaesG. EppleyPhilip BaringerS. BanerjeeJames H CochranMitchell WayneH. SchellmanJ. M. KohliR. A. SidwellSeong Keun KimD. EdmundsAndre SznajderYuri GershteinM. D. PetersJ. H. ChristensonL. BabukhadiaP. KrivkovaDavid H. AdamsSuyong ChoiBobby Samir AcharyaH. A. NealJ. T. LinnemannV. SorínT. HeuringK. YipStephen WimpennyMatthew JonesM. JaffréH. D. WahlMichael A. StraussM. A.c. CummingsB. HoeneisenStefan GrünendahlSuman Bala BeriP. RubinovA. JusteA. R. ClarkLee SawyerH. Da MottaJ. G.r. LimaAlice BeanJohn RutherfoordM. BuehlerL. LuekingC. LuoMary Beth AdamsM. ZanabriaWinston KoL. StutteJinhong YuT. MarshallSharon HagopianS. YoussefH. E. FiskL. J. PanN. R. StantonArnaud LucotteB. GómezZ. ZhouJ. SolomonF. CanelliVolker BuescherO. PetersVipin BhatnagarE. PopkovA. S. ItoA.s. DyshkantK. Del SignoreM. MerkinAlexander KupcoAndrew WhiteV. ZutshiDarien WoodR. JesikShashikant DugadK. A. JohnsR. PartridgeK. M. MauritzT. BaconJames C. GreenS. P. DenisovHaiyan WangT. YasudaWendy TaylorA. PatwaV. M. AbazovNicholas John HadleyG. Di LoretoS.a. KahnRandy RuchtiRaymond BrockBoaz KlimaE. G. ZverevR. GilmartinM. GaoR. PiegaiaRoger MooreP. I. GoncharovS. BlessingM. DemarteauF. FleuretY. KulikV. L. MalyshevJ. RhaH. S. MaoErik RambergF. StichelbautF. BorcherdingR. BeuselinckGregorio BernardiD. DenisovScott SnyderJ. WomersleyM. R. KrishnaswamyP. M. TutsP.f. ErmolovB. G. PopeJohn HobbsC. S. MishraV. E. KuznetsovR. W. StephensC. MiaoB. OlivierD. ShpakovE. W. AndersonS. WillisSrinivasan RajagopalanHal EvansA. BrossR. SnihurRobert HiroskyJ. M. HauptmanCecilia Elena GerberJ. BarretoV. V. BabintsevA. M. KalininG. GintherD. KarmanovG. SteinbrückT. RockwellIain Alexander BertramMeenakshi NarainA. ParaV. OguriD. BauerT. NunnemannElizaveta ShabalinaB. BaldinMiguel MostafaM. M. BaarmandSarah Catherine EnoQ. Z. LiV. S. BurtovoiThomas FerbelRajendran RajaB. PawlikY. DucrosR. DeminaSergey ChekulaevMichael RijssenbeekVasken HagopianJianming QianH. WeertsT. FahlandZ. M. WangJ. T. WhiteG. GutierrezGilvan AlvesP. YaminGustaaf BrooijmansLev DudkoF. NangJ. WarcholG. D. AlexeevRichard B. LiptonD. CaseyG. BriskinYu-tin HuangV. S. NarasimhamL. GroerThomas G TrippeJeffrey F. KraneBrad AbbottA. KharchilavaY. FisyakPierre PetroffJ. KotcherD. CuttsM. SosebeeS. N. GurzhievR. L. MccarthyV. N. EvdokimovWagner CarvalhoM. ChungE. FlattumSergey KuleshovNikos VarelasK. W. MerrittS. ChopraSebastian GrinsteinMarvin JohnsonR. K. ShivpuriS. J. De JongJ. F. BartlettA. V. KozelovN. GrafGreg LandsbergV. ManankovPeter W. DraperChris HaysAriel SchwartzmanJ. SnowHeriberto Castilla-valdezM. PaternoK. SoustruznikV. A. BezzubovJ. P. NegretR. P. SmithViatcheslav StolinP. Van GemmerenS. DoulasA. A. MayorovVictor Daniel ElviraM. RocoMichael ShupeMichael HildrethP. A. RapidisM. H.g. SouzaC. LundstedtA. JonckheereE. SmithMelissa RidelR. KehoeH. E. MontgomeryKaushik DeM. StrovinkZ. YuE. KajfaszDaniel WhitesonA. P. VorobievStephan LinnN. OshimaDaria ZieminskaR. D. SchambergerS. M. TripathiM. A. KubantsevHoward GordonK. C. FrameAndrew BrandtR. EngelmannJ. EstradaD. P. StokerJ. A. WightmanN. I. BojkoAlexander BelyaevK. M. ChanDhiman ChakrabortyE. A. KozlovskyH.e. MiettinenY. A. YatsunenkoA. V. KotwalNeeti ParasharHarrison ProsperS. DesaiR. D. MartinD. O'neilM. ZielinskiPatrick SlatteryK. DavisJ. N. ButlerD. A. StoyanovaA. S. TurcotP. D. GrannisH. PiekarzGervasio GomezMichael BegelR. J. MadarasK. GenserD. HedinUlrich HeintzH. JöstleinFrank FilthautM. DiesburgN. AmosS. N. AhmedM. FortnerN. W. ReayJ. PerkinsD. FeinDon LincolnP. W. BalmDaniel John KarmgardEmanuela BarberisC. HebertL. T. GossCharles LeggettJing LiH. HaggertyS. KrzywdzinskiA. ZylberstejnF. LehnerH. GreenleeG. A. DavisSerban ProtopopescuL. DuflotN.v. MokhovElemer NagyA. P. HeinsonR. E. HallJ. L. González SolísZ. CasilumShuichi KunoriV. VanievP. DemineH. ZhengP. HanletD. CoppageS. NegroniS. Reucroft


PhysicsParticle physicsGauge boson010308 nuclear & particles physicsTevatronGeneral Physics and AstronomyTechnicolorElectronFermion01 natural sciences7. Clean energyOmegaNuclear physicsPositron0103 physical sciencesHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentFermilab010306 general physics


We present results of searches for technirho (rho (T)), techniomega (omega (T)), and Z' particles, using the decay channels rho (T), omega (T), Z' --> e(+)e(-). The search is based on 124.8 pb(-1) of data collected by the DO detector at the Fermilab Tevatron during 1992-1996. In the absence of a signal, we set 95% C.L. upper limits on the cross sections for the processes p (p) over bar --> rho (T), omega (T), Z' - e(+)e(-) as a function of the mass of the decaying particle. For certain model parameters, we exclude the existence of degenerate rho (T) and omega (T) states with masses below about 200 GeV. We exclude a Z' with mass below 670 GeV, assuming that it has the same couplings to fermions as the Z boson.
