

Model Dependence of Nucleon Resonance Parameters

L. TiatorS. Kamalov


PhysicsAmplitudePartial wave analysisQuantum electrodynamicsResonanceNucleonMultipole expansionHelicity


Nucleon resonance parameters as mass, width, branching ratios and electromagnetic helicity amplitudes cannot be determined in a model independent way. The best way to obtain such elementary quantities is in terms of a partial wave analysis and a separation of resonance and background. In this work we have concentrated on the extraction of the e.m. helicity amplitudes A l p and A312 from electric and magnetic multipole analyses that were obtained from different groups with different techniques. We make a comparison of our results for the resonances P11(1440), 013(1520) and s11(1535). The variation that we find can be considered as a measure of the model uncertainty in these quantities.
