

Les ostracodes paleogenes du Togo: Taxonomie, biostratigraphie, apports dans l'organisation et l'évolution du bassin

Gilles CarbonnelAmpah Kodjo Johnson


PaleontologyTectonicsActinocythereisSpace and Planetary ScienceOutcropFaciesPaleontologyTaxonomy (biology)Ecological successionBiostratigraphyPaleogeneGeology


Paleogene ostracodes (P5 to P9/P10) from Togo include 59taxonomic units in several wells and one outcrop (Tabligbo). One new genus: Afranticythereis and eight new species are erected: Actinocythereis lomensis, Buntonia klologoensis, Buntonia parasemitecta, Hermanites regulosa, Leguminocythereis isobopaensis, Paraplatycosia dinglei, Poularia neokoldaensis, Soudanella seddohi.. The vertical succession of ecological zones ECO1 to ECO5 is related to a rythmic sequence: open facies followed by a restricted one. The first two (Upper Paleocene/Lower Eocene boundary) are equivalent to the ecological zone Z1 recognized from Mauritania to Guinea. The next two (ECO3/ECO4: Lower/Middle Eocene) should be equivalent to Z2 and Z3. The geographical distribution of these ostracodes (from P7 to P9) appears to be related to the structural scheme of the bassin: spreading tectonics characterized by the ostracode genus Togoina and its species. The uppermost ecological zone (ECO5) corresponds to an influx senegalese forms (Asymmetricythere)) of Middle Eocene age, permetting correlation with the ecological zone Z3.
