

R-Process Abundances and Nuclear Properties Far from Stability

A. WöhrB. PfeifferH. GabelmannP. MöllerFriedrich-karl ThielemannKarl Kratz


Nuclear physicsPhysicsRange (particle radiation)Isotoper-processNuclear dataAtomic physicsStability (probability)Isotopic composition


Recent measurements of β-decay properties of the ‘waiting-point’ nuclei 79Cu, 80Zn and 130Cd, together with new QRPA shell-model predictions of so far unknown N ≃ 50 and N ≃ 82 isotopes in the r-process path, have allowed to explain the detailed isotopic composition in the A ≃ 80 and A ≃ 130 r-abundance peaks. The correlation between nuclear data far from stability and r-abundances suggests that the r-process involves a high-neutron-density β-flow equilibrium environment. Based on these results, the r-process components of nuclei in the 90 ≤ A ≤ 100 mass range were predicted for freeze-out conditions (nn ≃ 1020, T9 ≃ 1) and compared to the solar-system r-process abundances.
