

A review of the analytical and numerical modeling of composites

Anna-leena ErkkiläTero TuovinenMatti Kurki


numerical modelingmateriaalitmallinnusmatemaattiset mallitcompositesmaterials


This review article is dedicated to the materials that are made from two or more constituent materials with different physical and/or chemical properties. The focus is on the materials, where the individual components remain separate and distinct within the final structure. The new combined material usually have some additional characteristic properties compared to the individual components, or, in other case, some critical properties of combined material may follow almost equally one of the components. Typically, preferred properties of the new material can be such as strength, porosity, conductivity or cheapness. The ultimate goal of this study is to find methods and tools for achieve adequate strength even when the low quality component is added to primary material or when two or more ’waste’ matters are combined with each other in novel industrial processes. Contribution of this article is to review modeling possibilities of different composite materials and bring out new ideas to model composites including low quality or waste materials.
