

La méthode de la complexité pour comprendre la plurisémiocité des discours numériques : de l’efficacité de TikTok

Damien Deias


imagesplurisemicitycomplex thoughtTikTokplurisémiocitédiscours numériquesdigital discoursespensée complexe[SCCO.LING] Cognitive science/Linguistics[SHS.INFO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Library and information sciences


Based on a corpus of videos collected on the Tik Tok platform, our study aims to analyse the plurisemicity and memetic functioning of these productions. We seek to show the effectiveness of these native productions of Tik Tok through a strategic and integrated use of different semis. This is why we are working on the analysis of digital discourses and post-dualist epistemological work in this field of language sciences. Through our analytical work, we wish to contribute to the questioning of written/oral, man/machine and text/image oppositions.
