A class of stochastic differential equations with non-Lipschitzian coefficients: pathwise uniqueness and no explosion
Tusheng ZhangShizan Fangsubject
Stochastic differential equationClass (set theory)Probability theoryContinuous functionDifferential equationMathematical analysisApplied mathematicsGeneral MedicineUniquenessMathematicsdescription
Abstract A new result for the pathwise uniqueness of solutions of stochastic differential equations with non-Lipschitzian coefficients is established. Furthermore, we prove that the solution has no explosion under the growth ξlogξ. To cite this article: S. Fang, T. Zhang, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 337 (2003).
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2003-12-01 | Comptes Rendus Mathematique |