

«Un uomo di lettere». Ipotesi sul programma figurativo dei rilievi scultorei del pulpitum del Teatro di Sabratha

Aiosa S.


Sabratha Theatre Roman sculpture Apuleius Marcus AureliusSettore L-ANT/07 - Archeologia Classica


After some considerations about the chronology of Theatre of Sabratha and on the internal organization of pulpitum reliefs, this paper puts forward the hypothesis of the attribution to Apuleius of the most part of the iconographic programme. In particular, Florida and Metamorphosis are suggested as direct sources of some scenes. The reconsideration of the pulpitum's first scene, starting from the left, previously interpreted as a sort of theatral academy, confrims this hypothesis. The scene represents a group of philosophers, strictly derived from the representation of the seven savants, as depicted on two well known mosaics. The iconography is adapted to the specific context, with the elimination of one philosopher. This doesn't depend on one of the several modifications of the sages list, due to ethic or philosophic reasons, but corresponds to a different list of six savants proposed by Apuleius himself.
