

Problemas algorítmicos y conceptuales: influencia de algunas variables instruccionales

Joan Josep Solaz PortolésVicente Sanjosé López




Abstract (Algorithmic and conceptual problems: the influence of some instructional variables) The influence of four versions of a scientific text on the performance of High School students in solving algorithmic and conceptual problems has been in - vestigated. Text versions differed in variables improving text base and/or situation model. The results obtained reveal that: 1) success in solving algorithmic problems does indicate mastery of concepts; 2) only the group of students who read the text containing variables that improve the textual coherence and connect textual information with the previous knowledge performed significantly better in conceptual problem solving, and 3) the proportion of students giving the correct solution to the algo - rithmic problem is not altered of statistically significant way with these variables.
