

Septate uterus: nosographic overview and endoscopic treatment

Gaspare CucinellaGiuseppe CalìF. ForlaniAntonio Lo CastoStefano RotoloGloria CalagnaAntonio Perino


InfertilityGynecologymedicine.medical_specialtyPregnancymedicine.diagnostic_testMetroplastybusiness.industryObstetricsSeptate uterusReproductive medicineObstetrics and GynecologyInterventional radiologymedicine.diseaseMiscarriagemedicine.anatomical_structureHysteroscopymedicineSurgeryUterine cavitybusiness


To comment on the prevalence, diagnosis, and treatment of the septate uterus, with special reference to hysteroscopic metroplasty and its effect on reproductive outcome, we searched publications in PubMed and Embase. Original articles, meta-analysis, reviews, and opinion articles were selected. The studies suggest that the prevalence of the septate uterus is increased in women with repeated pregnancy loss and infertility. Reliable diagnosis depends on accurate assessment of the uterine fundal contour and uterine cavity by means of magnetic resonance and three-dimensional ultrasound. Pertinent published data comparing pregnancy outcome before and after hysteroscopic metroplasty indicated a marked improvement after surgery. Magnetic resonance and three-dimensional ultrasound represent the gold standard for diagnosis of septate uterus. Hysteroscopic metroplasty with its simplicity, minimal postoperative sequelae, and improved reproductive outcome is the gold standard for treatment, not only in patients with recurrent pregnancy loss and premature labor but also in patients with infertility, especially if in vitro fertilization is being contemplated.
