

Proximité ou ultra-proximité du lieu de fabrication des produits non alimentaires : quels effets sur les préférences et le consentement à payer ?

Yohan BernardGeorgina Gonzalez-hemonBertrand BelvauxJean-françois Notebaert


country of origin effectnon-food productconsentement à payerproximityproximitéeffet du pays d’originepreference[SHS.GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administrationwillingness to payproduit non alimentairepréférence


Abstract: Products promoted as being made in France (MIF) are supposed to attract consumers and justify higher prices. Indeed, they maintain greater proximity to local consumers. We can therefore wonder whether greater spatial proximity, with products manufactured in the region or department of the consumer, would be associated with better reactions in terms of preference and willingness to pay (WTP), in particular in the case of non-food products not typical of the territories (less studied cases). Based on the literature on proximity and country of origin (COO) effects, three hypotheses are proposed and then tested using the conjoint measures method on a representative sample of the French population. The results show that ultra-proximity (region, department) brings nothing more compared to "simple" proximity (national), compared to remoteness (foreign production).
