

Il valore costituzionale della buona informazione

Lorello L


Settore IUS/08 - Diritto Costituzionalefreedom of speech disinformation fake newslibertà di espressione disinformazione fake news


Is there a constitutional right to good information? In the age of the internet and digital platforms, this question becomes more urgent and more pressing. In the debate in the Constituent Assembly already emerged the need for a control on sources of information, a requirement that, however, did not find a formulation expressed in Art. 21stof the Italian Costitution. It speaks only of a possible intervention of the legislator aimed at making known the «means of financing the periodic press». Nevertheless, the constitutional culture of contemporary democracies brings with it the idea of a reliance on the individual in the quality of the information he receives and thus raises the question of the guarantee of this quality. Among the possible solutions emerges the approach of the European Union, which seems to be oriented towards a co-regulation mechanism, which entrusts to the public subject the definition of the regulatory framework and to the private one its implementation. The aim is to provide procedures that lead to shared outcomes, based on the contribution of platform operators, which, in this way, are not limited to providing and conveying information, but become promoters and guarantors of the right of individuals to their veracity and reliability
