

La sicurezza dei ciclisti: valutazione dei percorsi ciclabili della città di Palermo

Antonino Lo BurgioMarco MiglioreManlio Di Giovanna


Settore ICAR/05 - Trasportisicurezza ciclisti ciclovie piste ciclabili biciclettasafety cyclists cycle paths


The safety of cyclists: evaluation of cycle paths in the city of Palermo Some Italian cities have developed a growing interest in the development of cycling and they are equipped with efficient network of bicycle paths. Palermo has a high potential for increasing the use of the bicycle, for both orographic characteristics of its urban center both for the highly favorable climatic conditions. Unfortunately, a lack of integration between the urban and the transport system, generated infrastructures in urban areas, which for lack of space does not offer users a high level of service in terms of comfort and safety. These conditions don’t have certainly encouraged the development of an active cycling. In this work have been adopted methodologies that allow the evaluation of cycling routes, according to the point of view of the cyclist.
