

Energy Drink Consumption Among Finnish Adolescents: Prevalence, Associated Background Factors, Individual Resources, and Family Factors.

Maija PuupponenJorma TynjäläAsko TolvanenRaili VälimaaLeena Paakkari


opintomenestysMaleHealth (social science)Adolescentenergy drinkskoulusaavutuksetenergiajuomatterveysosaaminenravitsemuskäyttäytyminennuoretRisk FactorsSurveys and QuestionnairesPrevalenceHumansadolescentsFinlandFamily Characteristicsschool achievementPublic Health Environmental and Occupational Healtheducational aspirationstaustatekijätkotiympäristöSociety Journal Archiveparental monitoringvanhemmatCross-Sectional StudiesSocioeconomic FactorsFemaleOriginal ArticlePublic aspects of medicineRA1-1270health literacy


Objectives: Energy drink consumption among adolescents has become a notable global phenomenon, and has been associated with numerous negative health outcomes. In order to understand the popularity of energy drinks among adolescents, and to target interventions, it is important to identify the determinants underpinning consumption. Methods: The nationally representative data (cross-sectional) were drawn from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) surveys, conducted in 2014 and 2018, each comprising 13- and 15-year-old Finnish adolescents (n = 7405). Results: Weekly energy drink consumption increased among Finnish adolescents between 2014 (18.2%) and 2018 (24.4%), especially among girls. In 2018, boys typically consumed more than girls, and 15-year-olds more than 13-year-olds. Moreover, in 2018, weekly energy drink consumption was more prevalent among 15-year-old adolescents with a non-academic educational aspiration (46.0%) than among adolescents with an academic aspiration (18.3%). Gender (boys more than girls), older age (only in 2018), less parental monitoring, lower school achievement, and a lower level of health literacy explained around 28% of the variance in weekly energy drink consumption in both years. Conclusion: According to the findings, interventions to decrease the energy drink consumption, should be targeted at all adolescents, but especially at those with fewer individual resources. The interventions should also pay attention to family-level factors. peerReviewed
