

Proposition du Project APER pour un entretien programé du Quartier hellénistique-romain d’Agrigente / Proposta del Progetto APER per la manutenzione programmata del Quartiere ellenistico-romano di Agrigento

Maria Luisa Germanà


Manutenzione ProgrammataArchaeological siteSiti ArcheologiciPlanned MaintenanceSettore ICAR/12 - Tecnologia Dell'Architettura


The article puts forward a proposal for the planned maintenance of the Sicilian study case chosen by the APER Project: House IA-B in Agrigento’s Hellenistic-Roman Quarter. After a few brief considerations regarding maintenance work on buildings and on architectural heritage, specific details concerning the maintenance of archaeological sites are illustrated. The article proposes a coding system specially applied to domestic Punic, Hellenistic and Roman architecture, designed to identify maintenance units, meaning parts of the archaeological built environment that can be the object of effectively planned maintenance work because they feature similar shapes and materials. This proposal should be considered as an in-depth analysis of the recent maintenance plan drafted for the entire Park of the Valley of the Temples, an analysis conducted in the awareness that the planned maintenance programme must be part of a broader strategy that involves visitors and citizens making them responsible. This is why it is hoped that this proposal can be developed and tested in the near future, continuing the partnership with the park authority of the Park of the Valley of the Temples, launched during the APER Project.
