Analysing students’rating of the SLP Digitally Competent Educators
Bastos GlóriaCendon EvaFirat MehmetGünes AysunHiltunen LeenaJuutinen SannaKananen PäiviUotinen VirpiZarebski Magdasubject
oppimisympäristöoppiminenelinikäinen oppiminenpalautekansainvälinen yhteistyöosaamisen kehittäminenDigCompEdustudent feedbackkehittäminenkoulutusohjelmatkouluttajatonline short learning programmescontinuous professional developmentkoulutusammatillinen kehitysinternational collaborationdigitalisaatiodescription
This article uses student feedback to examine the perspective of participants in the short learning programme (SLP) pilot Digitally Competent Educators (DCE). This SLP was targeted at the continuous professional development and lifelong learning for educators at various levels and several education areas. Student feedback was collected in 2020 using anonymous surveys at the end of each course. This implies that respondents were those participants who completed the course. Feedback, used on further development of the SLP, focused on the content and implementation of the course modules. The SLP followed the design guidelines produced inside the E-SLP project and was based on the Digital Competence Framework for Educators (DigCompEdu) published by European Commission's Joint Research Centre (2017). This SLP combined six competence areas of DigCompEdu and aimed to develop and foster educators’ digital competences in teaching and learning. DCE was developed from 2019 to 2020 in collaboration with the University of Jyväskylä (coordinator), Finland; FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany;Anadolu University, Turkey; and Universidade Aberta, Portugal. nonPeerReviewed
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2021-01-01 |